Tuesday, June 11, 2013


For every sleepless night, there is a reason. Tonight, I realized I do not remember how to do long division in my head. I was writing feverishly on my mental chalkboard but the answer to a simple problem would not compute. (It was 0.8, by the way. I used a calculator to figure it out. There was an explanation of why I was trying to determine this, but it is long forgotten).

After the shocking discovery of my lack of math ability, I spiraled into the whirlpool of anxiety. How could I forget to do something so elementary? Has my brain atrophied? Am I having a stroke? Maybe it's encephalitis...

Hell yeah, sentence diagram!
To calm myself down, I pulled out my mental dry-erase board and diagrammed sentences. Every memorable word uttered to me or by me was subject (lolpun) to my inspection. To my great satisfaction, I still am able to compete in this arena. Verbs and adjectives were flying all around in my brain and I was able to capture them and put them neatly on little lines. More than anything, I value order. And colorful pens.

I don't have a point, I'm just rambling. If I were forced to derive a point, I would probably say that my public-school education was not a complete waste of taxpayer funds. At least I know how to do something totally irrelevant to real life.

All of this was determined between the hours of midnight and 1 am. Where did the rest of the time go? I probably thought about pizza at some point, but who knows.

So, now, it's almost 5 am. The birds are chirping (gfy, birds) and soon daylight will start creeping into my room. I decided it would be wise if I began drinking coffee. That way, when it is time to go to work, I will be able to physically function even if I am mentally paralyzed. (Note to self: need more coffee. Almost fell down the stairs trying to get..coffee).


....If I am being honest, the real reason I am awake is because my chest hurts like hell. 


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